Music press kits

Sunday, April 12, 2009

a nightmare


Rhymestyle said...

first thing that comes to mind while watching this is Dragonball Z

DisKisM said...

kind of reminds me of iron zangief the way they take hits like that...!...a nightmare for some is heaven for others!

peanut said...


Nick said...

Looks like one of the hacked arcade boards of Street Fighter II. They did stuff like let you have an infinite number of fireballs on-screen, jump an infinite number of times (You'd scroll up in a loop) and recover from things instantly, which is why the Zangiefs here can just keep hitting each other repeatedly.

So yeah, it may as well have been Dragon Ball Z.

B. said...

Turbo u got to see this..

Beyonce vs Ciara
Mortal Combat Edition

Anonymous said...

Mad stupid... the raw part came when he snatched dude out the air and pile drive'd him! NICE!!!