Music press kits

Thursday, September 11, 2008

uh oh

my bro has a gamertag on xbox live now.
all the stuff hes been talking can now come to an end...
you probably dont read this, but, i am going to essentially demolish you in not only street fighter, but, in every other game.
sorry man.


his gamertag is SL4444SH

just played some gears. impressive


Rhymestyle said...

well just remember, whenever you're ready to take on me and propaYne AND GETCHASSBEAT on Halo... get at me

Gamertag: Rhymestyle07

Turbo said...

i dont play halo.
if i did, i would win.

Rhymestyle said...

What all do you play then? I aint ever play Gears online, but I'd BEATCHASS prolly