Music press kits

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I actually keep track of the stats.
I found something that was pretty interesting... encouraging,  not sure.
Because I am unsure as to whether or not Turbo would like for the amount of downloads hits that his mixtape has received to be known to the public as of now, I will give you stats that I have taken as an independent study.
Ok, I took stats basically off of Gigaton Punch.  One month.
I said, how many views does this thing actually receive?  It may not be many compared to those who receive tens of thousands of views in a single hour, however, the numbers are surely still significant.

So, a year and a half later, here we are.
On Feb. 8th, 2009, the video had 114,980 views.

Today is March the 18th.
As of right now, 1:13 Pm Pacific Time, the video has 126,836 views.

The difference: 11,856.  38 days.

11,856 divided by 38 = 312 views a day.

Pretty cool given that there's no "HEY CHEK MI VIDEO OUT , MAYNE IT HOT"

awesome job Saylen x Turbo.

or is it really?  What do views mean? 

I hope you do well on finals Mr. Double.
Also, Double and I will be in the Hollywood area for a few days.  Hopefully TipTop can get at him for that cameo.
*clears throat*
Anyone down to get in on a "young" cipher in person on footage?
what does the word "young" actually constitute.  I hear it in front of the nouns in the sentences spoken by the 'team', but, I never really understood.
let's go.

1 comment:

JNolanIsCool said...

Definitely deserving of a congratulations man.
That's a pretty hefty amount of viewers.