1st time this particular thing happened..yes.
i do NOT plan on letting her know.. at least i dont think so...
She had ElectroRock v3 Disc 2..AND..Electro Rock v2.. Pretty odd. haha.
to avoid bringing up the subject again to get info, all I can really do is go by her initial reaction. She said 'he' was 'good' and knew that 'he' lived in cali. it appears as though her brothers would be more prone to recognize voice...
I wonder if the brothers are reading this post? How old are they?
Are you the brothers? lol.
Do you have a sister who is around 20 yrs. of age? about 5'6. light skinned. brown hair with streaks and -
I don't exactly plan to meet any of her family. Just barely met her. Our relationship appears as though it shall remain at school.
^_^ !!!
I mean...what would YOU do?
it is certainly a different situation...
sometimes it is not always wise to deal all of your cards in the open...especially at such an early stage.
mary jane didnt find out who spiderman was till like the end of part 1? or was it part 2?
not saying that im spiderman or that my life philosophy revolves around some type of animated character...^_^...but you get what i mean...
i kinda want to do an adlib next time though...lol
I believe it was at the end of part 2...when he saved her from Doc Oc??
lol...u should "bzzzzzzzzz" her...hah
I'm sorry man, but you are some type of super hero. At least to me anyway, LOL! 15!
I'd just drop hints (seconding the 'bzzzz' haha) and just let everything go from there naturally...let her find out on her own unless she still had absolutely NO clue after a while...then I'd eventually tell her.
Man that's awesome that you're in that Spiderman type situation...hope it plays out as well for you as it did for Peter Parker (it DID turn out okay, right? lol).
The Spiderman allusion is totally awesome.
What if she doesn't understand the 'bzzz' and looks at him with this total WTF look plastered across her face...like five question marks over her head? Haha. Just saying.
I agree with Isaac, you should use some of your mannerisms from those mixtapes, or next time you see her you should be like " I've been listening to that Turbo guy and he intrigues you", then ask her how she feels about him.... Or you? Lol that way you kinda get a sense of how she feels about you even though she don't know you or whatever like that.....
Dcarter as pertained in one of your blogs
Yeah, she could be puzzled by a random "bzzzz." It's quite possible that she'll find out on her own eventually. You're a better sport than me though. lol
hahahhah get 'em turbo.
oh yeah, that riddle....
are you planning on doing some videography (cinematic), collabs with three personas; T Double, Battletoad, and Turbo(pretend to we tend), and hologram type stuff (magazine magazine. december 16.)? i'm really just taking stabs at it, but the riddle's been teasing me since i read it last week. i'm still trying to figure it out, lol. "date with the three." does that mean your mixtape will be released in march..? "wars." does that refer to the hologram stuff or rap battles, or something totally different?
hahhaahha. i'm stoked for it all the same.
one love.
You should do ya adlibs! Or ask her what her favorite Turbo song is and then recite it with perfection.
u should talk about why he's(you) is such a bad artist with no talent. And mention it all the time. See if you can convince her that he(you) sucks. lol maybe thats just my twisted mind. or tell a story about something that happened to you that's a narrative of one of your songs.
I like Fuze's idea. Tell her one of your stories that're on her ipod.
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