got off work.
ordered an expensive stormtrooper helmet....seriously.
went to see the hulk (alone)...super improvement when compared to the other hulk movie..a good film indeed..
it seems as though im a loser and sometimes it feels that way too...
its been a long time coming as the loner who seems like a loser at times...but...change will come...hopefully.
3 syllables single handedly express immense doubt.
somebody keep telling me..dont hang around..
que the music.
yeah i been havin those same thoughts bout myself too, i kinda needed that post thnx turbo
son, atl east you got the balls to go to the movies on your own, ya dig. most people scared as shit..
haha ^
yo turbo did u get my email? i sound like one of diz dudes tryin to contact a record label "u got my mixtape pimp?" nah but i requested a collab, jus a yes or a no wud be nice lol
doucet - indeed sir.
pro93 - im not a hundred as far as if i read your email - but - if it said anything about collaborating, i probably neverminded it. not as a means to disrespect but more because there is a stupid amount of people who contact me about the 'c' word. this is part of the reason why i have disabled messages on myspace because i am taking a huge break from doing music with other, particularly underground, emcees/rappers/singers/chanters/hummers/sign languagers/
as of answer is no.
hopefully you can understand where im coming from..
yessir im 100% down with that, im starting to veer that same direction myself lol
otaku out
lol.. someone's using the 'loser' tag on themselves now huh
*cue something foolish you said in a conversation once*
i almost forgot; how braaave of you to do things on your own :P
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